
02 October 2012

Lupa Pakai Bra, Payudara Selma Blair Ngintip

Selma Bliar asyik berbelanja di Los Angeles, Sabtu (29/9). Namun Selma yang mengenakan gaun putih bergaris, payudaranya mengintip lantaran tak mengenakan bra.

Dikutip dari Dailymail, entah disengaja, atau memang tidak sadar kalau baju yang dikenakannya begitu mengungkap bagian dadanya, namun Selma tampak santai.

Selma tampak asyik berbelanja, meski gaun yang dipakainya mengungkap aset berharganya ketika ia difoto dari arah samping.

Selma saat ini dikabarkan telah bercerai dari kekasihnya, Jason Bleick, yang telah memberinya seorang anak, Arthur.

Feeling risqué: Selma Blair flashes some side boob while shopping in Los Angeles on Saturday
Feeling risqué: Selma Blair flashes some side boob while shopping in Los Angeles on Saturday

Forgotten something: The dark-haired star chose not to wear a bra with her striped dress  Forgotten something: The dark-haired star chose not to wear a bra with her striped dress
Forgotten something: The dark-haired star chose not to wear a bra with her striped dress

Close call! Selma almost gave the shop assistants an eyeful with her outfit
Close call! Selma almost gave the shop assistants an eyeful with her outfit

That's one way to get an autograph: The celebrity gave her signature to the clerk after using her credit card 
That's one way to get an autograph: The celebrity gave her signature to the clerk after using her credit card

Wise investment: Selma's new sunglasses would come in handy during the current sunny weather
Wise investment: Selma's new sunglasses would come in handy during the current sunny weather

Single mother: The actress recently split from the father of her ambrosial 16-month-old son Arthur
Single mother: The actress recently split from the father of her ambrosial 16-month-old son Arthur

Fine figure: While she may not have been in the best of moods the Cruel Intentions star looked as good as ever  Fine figure: While she may not have been in the best of moods the Cruel Intentions star looked as good as ever
Fine figure: While she may not have been in the best of moods the Cruel Intentions star looked as good as ever